Durham Connects' mission is to increase child well-being by bridging the gap between parent needs and community resources.
Durham Connects at CCFH
411 W. Chapel Hill Street
Suite 908
Durham, NC 27701
P. 919-419-3474 ext 232
F. 919-419-9353
Questions? Visit our FAQ page
Durham Connects is a resource for you and your patients.
It takes a community of healthcare providers to grow healthy babies in Durham County. From prenatal care to birth education, labor & delivery to post-partum care, Durham Connects home-visiting program strives to extend the total package of services to new parents in Durham County.
As part of the healthcare community, Durham Connects' goal is to ensure that all babies in Durham have a medical home and see their provider regularly. Durham Connects nurses work in tandem to support pediatricians directives and advice, and encourage parental participation. Durham Connects public health nurses interact daily with pediatricians, OBGYNs, community health clinics, urgent care providers, hospitals and prenatal care providers.
With parents’ permission, pediatricians and family practitioners will receive a short letter from the Durham Connects home visiting nurse. The letter is provided to let physicians know that the visit occurred and lists any topics they may wish to discuss with their patient at the next scheduled doctor’s appointment. Together, we can help grow healthy, strong children.
Healthcare professionals can help promote Durham Connects by encouraging patients to participate in the program. In Durham County, free in-home nurse visiting is part of the overall maternity/postnatal care plan. You can help by displaying posters and brochures about Durham Connects in your exam rooms and waiting rooms.
Durham Connects requests physician endorsements.
Memo to OBs
Memo to Pediatricians
Click to download the Durham Connects brochure. Or call 919-419-3474 ext. 403 to request materials or to arrange an in-service to learn more.